Frequently Asked Questions

Navigate through our Frequently Asked Questions: Discover answers, gain insights, and feel more informed about our services and your health journey.

  • A. Why should I participate in a clinical trial?

    By participating in a clinical trial gives you access to the latest techniques and medicines. You may receive personal attention from some of the top healthcare providers and the latest in cutting edge treatment/ management/ therapies, and by participating, you are helping to improve healthcare for everyone.

  • Yes! All information, including medical, history of illness, personal, and any information obtained during the study, is confidential and protected by state and federal regulations governing clinical research. We will not release your personal information to anyone without you explicitly authorize us to do so.

  • Yes! In nearly all our trials, we will reimburse you a flat fee for your travel expense for each office visit. The reimbursement rate varies per study and will be discussed with you in detail during your visit to the office before you sign the consent to participate.

  • A written examination of the clinical research content and the researchers' ethical responsibility as well as benefits and risks will be all discussed prior to participation. Additionally, the trials have preclinical data that typically shows a new investigational treatment being safe and effective in laboratory animal as well as human testing in the form of clinical trials. Use of strict protocol - an outline prepared before the beginning of a study that describes what will take place during the trial. A written description of all the information that you will need to make an informed decision about joining a clinical trial. The process of giving you this information is called informed consent.

  • Researchers must make two types of decisions about whom they consider eligible to participate in a clinical trial, inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria.

    Inclusion criteria are those characteristics that everyone must have to join the trial. For example, in an investigational medication study for people with diabetes, all study participants must have diabetes.

    Exclusion criteria are those characteristics people cannot have if they want to participate in the study. For instance, in an investigational medication study to prevent heart attacks, people who have already had a heart attack might be excluded.

  • Each clinical trial has different timelines. Upon qualification into the study, the duration information would be given.

  • We have an excellent staff with a wealth of experience, knowledge, and familiarity in clinical research; However, only our medical doctors will be the only ones who will provide you with medical assessment and advice.

  • You can expect to be given a comprehensive explanation of the clinical trial and to have all your Questions answered by the study doctor and his staff. You will be given an informed consent form to read and sign. It is essential to Make sure you understand what is involved in the clinical trial. The consent form will include a discussion of the potential risks and benefits and will have information about the schedule and duration of the clinical study and the name of the study doctor you can call with questions or problems. You can also expect to have an evaluation of your condition and to be given a diagnosis by the study doctor.

  • Many clinical trials test a new investigational drug against a placebo, which looks just like the drug but doesn't contain any active ingredients (like a sugar pill). Other clinical trials test two different drugs to determine which is more effective. If it is a randomized trial, participants are randomly assigned by computer to the drug or the placebo. Because researchers have no say in the decision, the process is fair for everyone. However, randomization also means the researchers cannot guarantee what you will get if you enter the trial. Only medication companies have this information to determine outcomes efficiently.

    Some trials compare drugs or doses to learn which is most effective. The study participants are randomly assigned to one drug and do not know which medication they are taking.

  • Nothing! - The trial might have reimbursement for your time, travel, and effort to participate.

    All medical care, including tests and medications related to the clinical trials, is provided at no charge.

  • You can leave a clinical trial at any time for any reason. Participation is always voluntary.

    An essential safeguard in a clinical trial is your freedom to leave. The informed consent document you sign does not force you to remain in a trial. Clinical trials may offer suggestions about leaving the trial, particularly if the trial medication needs to be withdrawn gradually, but you have the final decision. If you leave a clinical trial, let the researchers know why you are leaving, but this is not required. This information may help researchers improve the clinical trial process for other participants and make the trial results more reliable.