We leverage cutting-edge research technologies and practices to stay at the forefront of medicine. PRX is committed to accelerating the translation of biomedical discoveries into breakthrough healthcare solutions. Our team is here to collaborate on your breakthrough and leverage our expertise to turn research into reality. PRX embraces innovation and collaboration to address the most pressing healthcare challenges. Our multidisciplinary team of experts combines their knowledge in various medical fields, ensuring a comprehensive approach to problem-solving. We are dedicated to fostering partnerships that enhance patient care, advance medical technology, and contribute to a healthier future for all.

  • PRX Research is located within a 202-bed hospital designed to offer a comprehensive range of health services for acute and emergencies, including a 24-hour Emergency Room; critical care; medical, surgical, stroke, imaging, full-service laboratory, cardiac services, and diagnostic services.

  • PRX has inpatient and outpatient capabilities and utilizes a central IRB with quick regulatory, contracts, budgeting approvals, and recruitment timelines.

  • Our experienced team is here to collaborate on your breakthrough and leverage our expertise to turn research into reality, delivering results that matter.


2000+ Patients

Delivering exceptional clinical research options to over 2000+ patients.


10+ Expert Staff

Supported by a dedicated team of 10+ expert clinical research staff.


100+ Clinical Trials

Conducting 100+ clinical trials with precision, advancing healthcare.



Combined Clinical Experience
Advancing HealthCare Every Day!

What Can I Expect?

Here's what happens before and after you enroll in a clinical study or clinical trial.

For trials enrolling patients with a particular medical condition, some pre-screening may happen behind-the-scenes before we meet with you. For studies enrolling healthy volunteers, staff members explain the trial in detail and gather more information about you during the pre screening process.

Informed Consent
Informed consent is an essential part of participating in a clinical study. It is the process of learning the key facts about a clinical study before deciding whether to participate. Once you have had all your questions answered, and if you agree to participate, you may be asked to sign an informed consent form. Participants should take the time to review the informed consent document carefully and decide if they feel comfortable with participating in the study.

You will get a copy of the document, which you can keep to refer back to in the future. Also, note that informed consent is a continuous process that does not end with a signed document. You should always feel free to ask questions about your participation in a study at any time during or after your participation ends. The researchers will also provide you any new information during the study if it could affect your willingness to participate.

Screening Visit
Once you have consented to participate in a study, you may be asked to undergo other procedures and tests, such as filling out questionnaires or having blood work, to confirm that you qualify for the study. You may be asked to make a special visit for screening.

Enrollment and Participation
Once you have enrolled, the study team will review the study procedures with you and schedule tests and other appointments. You will follow the trial procedures and report any issues or concerns to the study team. Remember, participating in a clinical study is totally voluntary and you can decide to stop at any time. Study participants continue to see their regular physician for usual health care throughout the study.

End of Study
Your participation in the study is complete. Researchers may provide participants with information about how they may find results once the study data is analyzed.